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Small Fly



Flies are found worldwide. They are more common in northern areas, especially around areas of moving water. They can make life miserable for humans, domestic animals and wildlife. They also carry disease.


Females require a blood meal in order to lay viable eggs. In sunny areas, feeding usually occurs during early morning and early evening hours in shady areas, biting more evenly distributed throughout the daytime. Most being to emerge as adults in May and die off by early July.




Control beings with fly exclusion. Screens must be 60 mesh material to keep out small flies. Personal protection consists of repellents and what is particularly effective may vary by geographic area.




Eggs are laid in batches of 200-500 and hatch in about 30 days. Those laid in late summer or autumn overwinter. Adults are about 1/32 to 1/4" and have a robust body, somewhat humpbacked. They are dark colored, usually black or brown.


Flies have short antennas. They are stout, segments beadlike, 9-11 segments. Wings are broad at base, narrowing toward the tip. Compound eyes are separated in female, usually touching in males. Adults live less than three weeks, there may be 1-5 generations per year.

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