Bees & Wasps
Bees, Hornets and Wasps are beneficial pollinators of plants, reducing the numbers of many pest insects. Adults feed on nectar, honeydew, sap, fruit juices and more. Control should only be done where there is a immediate threat or when peace-of-mind is required.
It is necessary to know which group of bees, hornets or wasps you are encountering, knowing their nesting habits. The nest entrance for each colony should be located during the day. Application should be done at night, when most of the adults are in the nest. Use background lighting and a bee veil.
Social types have a caste system of workers, queen and male drones. Colonies contain only the founding queen until mid-summer when many queens and males are produced. Honey bees have only one functional queen at a time.
Paper wasps are the exception in that nests are founded by a dominate inseminated female that assumes the role of egg layer, attended by submissive females and daughters that serve as workers. With the onset of cold weather, all die off leaving the inseminated queens to overwinter and start new colonies int he Spring.
Honey bees are the exception in that the entire colony overwinters.